Difference between mitosis and meiosis

Difference between mitosis and meiosis

SN. Point of distinction Mitosis Meiosis
1. Occurrence It occurs in all somatic cells or vegetative cells (except gamate formation) It occurs in germ or reproductive cells.
2. Number of cells produces A diploid/haploid cell produces two identical diploid/haploid cells, so called equational division. A diploid cell produces four haploid cells. Hence, it is called reduction division.
3. Phases or stages Mitosis completes in 4 stages-prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Meiosis is divided into Meiosis-I and Meiosis-II and each has 4 stages


4. Prophase Duration of Prophase is short and not divided into sub-phases. Duration of Prophase-I is long and divided into 5 sub-phases-leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene and dikinesis
5. Metaphase Chromosome occurs as dyads in metaphase. Chromosome occurs as tetrads in metaphase-I
6. Metaphasic plate Centromeres forms single metaphasic plate Centromeres forms two metaphasic plate
7. Homologous chromosome Absent Present
8. Synapsis and crossing over Absent Occurs
9. Anaphase During anaphase chromosomes are having single chromatids During anaphase homologous chromosomes occurs and have two chromatids
10. Types of cells It occurs in both haploid and diploid cell. It only occurs in diploid cell.
11. Mode of reproduction Asexual Sexual

Difference between mitosis and meiosis